CEA, Indian Institute 
Department of Chemical Engineering

Betta of Sravandurga

Beautiful view of Sravandurga

I am taller than you!!

It is edible flower

Dont get scared!! climb!! Iam here behind you!!

Hero of the Trip

In Chemeng everything is difficult even getting food!

Exhausted!! Please carry me!!

Pepsodent!! Closeup!! Vicovajradanti!!

NO stock of closeup!!

Bus cannot walk with us!!

Present Sir!!

Wait yaar!! let me get ready (for photograph)

Woh! got some shade to sit

It is not so difficult climb

Big heads! to carry the big stone

Dont push me! let collect some water here for my expt!

Just follow my path

I have reached!! give me 5 star

This path is better!!

Hey Look up!! it is beautiful throns

Give me some water

Oh God!! bring us back safely!

Perfect triangle

Ok Listen now...

What shall I do? climb or go back


Guide for our trip!
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