IISc team
moots alternative to antibiotic resistant infections
Mirror Bureau | Jul 26, 2016, 04.00 AM IST
By: Mihika Basu
Nanoscale blockers plug pores formed by bacteria by 91%,
stop cell death
Stating that antibiotic resistant bacterial strains have given rise to the so
called 'superbug', which cannot be treated by known antibiotics, resulting in
infections that are often fatal, professors at the Indian Institute of Science
(IISc), Bangalore, have found a novel way of
combating such bacteria.
Prof Prabal K Maiti from
the Department of Physics and Centre for Condensed MatterTheory
and Prof Ganapathy Ayappa
from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Centre for Biosystems
Science and Engineering, along with their research scholars Taraknath
Mandal and Subbarao Kanchi, have come up with an alternative therapeutic
strategy, where instead of targeting the bacteria with antibiotics, the nanosized pores formed by the bacteria in the host cellular
membrane are blocked by what they call "synthetic polymers".
This, the researchers say, will prevent cell death and reduce the intensity of
the infection. Results from computer simulations have shown that nanoscale blockers designed by the team can plug E.coli bacterial pores by a massive 91 per cent.
The findings have been published in the journal "RSC Nanoscale".
"Certain pathogenic bacteria have adopted a unique 'style' of killing it's
victims by boring nanoscale holes into the host
cellular membrane. Scientists across the globe have been actively working on
designing various nanoscale (1-100 nanometre)
blockers to plug these pores and prevent cell damage. Using computer
simulations, we have suggested an effective nanoscale
blocker made up of Polyamido-amine (PAMAM) dendrimers, a synthetic polymer. Each bacterial toxin will
form a unique pore of a given size and structure with its own physical and
chemical characteristics. We have investigated one such particular nanoscale pore formation by E.Coli
and designed a blocker for this particular pore, which shows 91 per cent
blockage," said Prof Ayappa.
This first-of-its-kind study has focused on the efficacy of the dendrimers in blocking pores formed by a pore forming toxin
produced by certain strains of E.coli and other
"Although this pore blocking strategy has the potential to treat a wide
variety of pore mediated bacterial infections such as food poisoning,
pneumonia, anthrax and cholera to name a few, theeventual
success would depend on extensive laboratory and clinical testing," added
Prof Maiti.
They have successfully demonstrated the potential of these dendrimers
in plugging the pores formed by toxins released by the bacteria during an
infection. It is these toxins that rapidly puncture the target cell membrane,
and the cell leaks to death in a process known as apoptosis.
Funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), this work is part of
a larger collaborative interdisciplinary research initiative at IISc, aimed at understanding the interactions of proteins
and nanoparticles on biological membranes.
Prof Ayappa elaborated that these predictions were
based on accurate computer simulations carried out at the high performance
computing facility at IISc. "Once these
predictions are verified in the laboratory, drug formulations can be tested
using a variety of dendrimer blockers on pores implicated
in other diseases as well. That will be the next step in our research work.
Extensive studies will have to be conducted at the clinical level to exploit
this novel concept. It could be administered orally or delivered locally,"
he said. The word
'dendrimer' refers to a molecule with tree-like
branching and is highly regarded in modern nanotechnology due to its flexible
properties. Polyamido-amine is a type of star-shaped dendrimer with repetitive branched subunits of amide and
amine functional groups. "The structure and size or generation of the dendrimer depends on the extent of branching in the
molecule," said Prof Maiti.
While designing a specific dendrimer to effectively
block the pore, both the size of the dendrimer
molecule and its charge, are important factors, explained the authors.