– Modeling infectious diseases
Our group develops mathematical models and simulations of the dynamics of infectious diseases with the goal of improving interventions. We have focussed on HIV, COVID-19 and TB, which pose major global healthcare challenges today. With HIV infections, we are interested in understanding how the immune system can be stimulated to control disease progression without the need for lifelong treatment. With COVID-19, we have developed models to predict the efficacies of vaccines and are interested in understanding the causes of the diverse severity of disease across individuals and the emergence of variants. With TB, we are interested in understanding pathogen evolution and the development of drug resistance. Our models span a wide range of length and time scales, from the molecular to the population level. We integrate descriptions of host-pathogen interactions, immune responses, pathogen evolution, drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and epidemiology. We employ both mechanistic and statistical learning approaches and work closely with experimentalists and clinicians.
– Engineering microbial communities
Multispecies microbial communities are central to human health and disease and have applications in biotechnology. A major challenge is to elucidate principles for the design of stable synthetic microbial communities. Working closely with industry, we have developed mathematical models and algorithms to predict the structures of such communities. We are interested in devising strategies to tune the interactions between the underlying species and engineer community structures. The studies will aid the design of interventions targeting specific microbiomes, such as the use of probiotics or faecal transplants to restore our gut microbiomes.
07 Jan 2025:
Prof. Dixit has been nominated as a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Yay! 🍾
04 Dec 2024:
Soumya’s PhD work on trade-off between vaccinal and antiviral effects of bNAb therapy in HIV, with inputs from our alumni Amar and Rajat, is now out in J R Soc Interface. Way to go! 🎇
12 Sep 2024:
Akshay, Shreya, Ananthu, and Budhaditya developed a formalism to correct the estimates of the prevalence of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections reported in serosurveys. Read it on medRxiv now! 🎉
10 Sep 2024:
Work on natural SIV controllers, in collaboration with Prof. Jeremie Guedj (IAME, INSERM), is now out in PLoS Comput Biol. Congratulations! 🎊
08 Aug 2024:
Review on mathematical models on HIV control by Shreya and Bharadwaj is now published in npj Syst Biol Appl. Three cheers! 🍻
01 Aug 2024:
Aadhil, Anusha, Nivedhitha, and Shivaani have joined us. A very warm welcome to the group everyone! 👋