B.Tech., Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras (1987)
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Cornell University (1991)
E-mail: kumaran@chemeng.iisc.ernet.in
Phone : +91-80-2293-3112
Fax: +91-(80)-2360-8121
Awards and honors
TWAS Prize Engineering Sciences (2014)
Rustom Chokshi Award, Indian Institute of Science (2012)
JC Bose National Fellowship (2007)
Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (2006)
Swarnajayanti Fellowship, Government of India (2002)
Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (2001)
Bhatnagar Award, Government of India (2000)
Amar Dye-Chem Award, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (1999)
Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences (1998)
Indian National Academy of Engineering Young Engineer Award (1997)
Indian National Science Academy Young Scientist Medal (1996)
Professional Services
Editoral Board, Soft Materials , Taylor & Francis.
Editoral Board, Sadhana , Journal of the Indian National Academy
of Engineering.
Editoral Board, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology , NISCAIR,
New Delhi.
Advisory Board, Acta Mechanica , Springer Wein.