M S Murthy
Professor (Retired)

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- Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science


- CH
- CH
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Reaction Engineering
Energy storage and biotechnology

Awards & Honors

- INSA Academic Exchange Fellowship 1987
- British Council Fellowship 1990
- Member accreditation committee AICTE (1998)
- Invited paper on Environmental Issues in developing countries at Bangkok 1985.
- Invited lectures under Japan Solar energy Society Tokyo 1987
- Invited lectures at Energy Lab University of Houston TX Rice Univ. Washington State Univ., Pullman St Louis Mississippi, USA.
- Invited lecture on Large scale production of Steroid drugs Biochemical EnggConf ,Yokohoma, Tokyo.
- Best paper award in Chemical Enogg Practice at Intl Symp. on importance of Biotechnology in coming decades at Visakhapatnam 1993.
- Member, Executive committee of British Council scholars Karnataka 2003-2008


1. Theory of crystal growth in phase transformations, M.S.Murthy, Chem.Eng. Sci. 49(14) 2389-93(1994).

2. Investigations on thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate, M.S.Murthy et al; Chem. Eng. 49(13) 2189-2204(1994).

3.Thermal decomposition of solid and hollow calcium carbonate pellets using variable biot numbers, K.S.Rajanandam and M.S.Murthy, Chem. Eng. Sci.(accepted).

4. Behavior of Ca(OH)2 /CaO pellet under dehydration and hydration, I.Fuji, M.Ishino, M.S.Murthy and K.S.Rajanandam, Solar Energy J. 53(4) 329-341(1994).

5. Investigations on large scale production of steroid drugs from agave plants, M.S.Murthy et al; Biochemical Engineering for 2001(S.Furusaki, et al;Eds) Springer-Verlag Tokyo, London,N.Y.Parispp 587-89(1992).