Chemical Engineering Association (CEA) is a non-profit, democratic, and self-governing body comprising of individuals who currently belong to or have belonged to in the past to the Department of Chemical Engineering at IISc, Bangalore, India. CEA is constituted to play various roles to supplement the overall development of its individual members. Some of the identified roles are:
  • Promote professional growth of its members by organizing formal talks, short courses, series of lectures on a theme of
        interest, and informal talks by members to help them develop a well rounded personality.
  • Encourage informal interaction amongst all its members so as to make a vibrant community of chemengiscians.
  • Provide a forum to discuss wider issues of interest to the engineering profession.

The current students, faculty and scientific staff, alumni, project staff, and research associates of the Department are members of the CEA. They are required to pay annual subscription. The members with their individual consent can become a Life Member of the CEA at the time of leaving the department.

The CEA will be managed by an `Executive Committee' (EC) of office bearers, elected in the annual General Body Meeting (GBM). The EC will comprise of a secretary, joint secretary, treasurer, vice-president, and a president (a faculty member). An additional joint secretary can be co-opted if required. EC, under the leadership of its secretary and the guidance of its president will be collectively responsible for all the activities of the CEA.