Prof. R Kumar Award 2024

June 8, 2024 -- July 15, 2024

Call for Prof. R Kumar Award for Innovative Modeling in Chemical Engineering

Call for Prof. R Kumar Award for Innovative Modeling in Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore invites applications for the Prof. R. Kumar Award for Innovative Modelling in Chemical Engineering – 2024.

The award is instituted in honour of Padma Bhushan Prof. R. Kumar, an outstanding chemical engineer and a visionary leader, whose exemplary research contributions brought international recognition to IISc’s Department of Chemical Engineering, where he served as a faculty member his entire career, and placed it on its path of long-standing excellence in research and teaching. At the heart of his contributions was modelling. Built on remarkable physical insight and highly imaginative thinking, his models displayed rare novelty and not only helped solve difficult challenges of the time but also synthesize vast bodies of seemingly disparate knowledge.

The award is instituted with the generous contributions made by well-wishers and admirers of Prof. Kumar and those who have benefited from his association, with the intention of celebrating and furthering his legacy.