IISc researchers help develop math model to predict COVID-19 vaccine efficacy

March 1, 2022 -- March 1, 2022

A new mathematical model predicts how COVID-19 vaccine-generated antibodies protect against symptomatic infections, aiming to optimize vaccine deployment strategies and guide public health decisions.

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science and Queensland Brain Institute in Australia have developed a mathematical model that predicts how antibodies generated by COVID-19 vaccines confer protection against symptomatic infections. This model aims to provide insights into how vaccines will perform across different populations and against various viral variants. The primary goal is to guide vaccine deployment strategies more effectively and help in decision-making processes related to public health. The model incorporates various factors, including immune responses, infection rates, and demographic variables, to predict vaccine outcomes. Such predictive tools are crucial for managing pandemics and optimizing vaccination efforts.

Reference: Padmanabhan, P., Desikan, R. & Dixit, N.M., Modeling how antibody responses may determine the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinesNat Comput Sci 2, 123–131 (2022).