About IISc ChemE

ChemE department at IISc has evolved significantly over the last seven decades, reflecting changes in the Indian chemical industry and the chemical engineering profession worldwide.

About IISc

The Department of Chemical Engineering at IISc began as a center for excellence in research and higher education in chemical engineering to address the needs of a phenomenally growing chemical industry in post-independence India.

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Our Mission

To pursue excellence in education and training of students by imparting to them all the necessary skills to flourish and excel in the industry and academia of a global and advanced society during the course of their entire future.
To drive excellence in research and development of new and contemporary knowledge that benefits the industry, scientific community and the society at all levels.

Origins & Evolution

In 1940-41, the Institute’s council initiated a preliminary chemical engineering course for select chemistry students, and Dr. M.A. Govinda Rau, M.A. (Madras), PhD (London) was in-charge of establishing this program. This marked the inception of chemical engineering studies at the Institute. The program evolved into a separate section by 1943 and became an independent department in 1947, later renamed the Department of Chemical Technology and Chemical Engineering in 1950-51. It adopted its current name, the Department of Chemical Engineering, in 1961.

Read the fascinating of story of IISc visit by Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhiji visited now IISc-CSP Building on June 12th, 1936


What is Chemical Engineering?

Chemical engineering deals with design, development and operations of mechanisms, machines and plants for chemical, physical and biological reactions and processes. Working at the interface of molecular sciences and applied engineering, chemical engineering at IISc helps brings research and innovations from laboratories to the industry and society.


Student Life

While the course work and research is rigorous and demanding, ChemE professors are easily accessible for conceptual doubts or suggestions related to research. The small size of the ChemE department means a very familiar and pleasant environment for all where one is able share thoughts (and not just pertaining to research or science) over a cup of coffee in the library cum lounge. 


Chemical Engineering Association

Chemical Engineering Association (CEA) is a non-profit, democratic, and self-governing body comprising of individuals who currently belong to or have belonged to in the past to the Department of Chemical Engineering at IISc, Bangalore, India. CEA organizes lectures, field trips, outreach programmes, sporting events, a cultural night and annual symposia generating a vibrant and enriching environment for all. 


The rigorous course work and research training that I obtained in IISc are the best I could have hoped for. They prepared me well for my post-doctoral research at Minnesota, as well as for my current position at IIT Kanpur. My best non-academic experience was the very-friendly student crowd (at least in my times), where one could call upon anyone for a cup of coffee at any time of the day (or night!) and discuss research and other struggles in the life of a graduate student.

V. Shankar, Professor, IIT Kanpur