CEA – Executive Committee 2023-24

The Chemical Engineering Association (CEA) at IISc Bangalore is a non-profit, democratic, and autonomous organization comprised of current and former members of the Department of Chemical Engineering. The CEA aims to enhance the personal and professional development of its members through a variety of activities, including organized talks, short courses, lecture series on relevant themes, and informal member presentations designed to foster well-rounded personalities.

The association fosters a dynamic community through informal interactions among its members and serves as a platform for discussing broader engineering issues.

Membership in the CEA includes current students, faculty, scientific staff, alumni, project staff, and research associates of the Department, all of whom are required to pay an annual subscription fee. Upon departing the department, members may opt to become Life Members of the CEA with their consent.

The governance of the CEA is handled by an Executive Committee (EC), elected during the annual General Body Meeting (GBM). The EC consists of a secretary, joint secretary, treasurer, vice-president, and a president (a faculty member). An additional joint secretary may be co-opted as needed. Under the leadership of the secretary and the guidance of the president, the EC is collectively responsible for all CEA activities.

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