V Kumaran


Phone: 080 2293 3112
Email: kumaran at iisc.ac.in


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Cornell University (1991)

B.Tech., Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras (1987)


In the broad areas of complex fluids and complex flows, our research interests range from molecular studies to macroscopic applications such as microfluidic devices and fuel cells. We employ rigorous theoretical analysis (theorems in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, kinetic theory, and hydrodynamic stability), complex simulations (rarefied gas flows, lamellar mesophase simulations from molecular to continuum scales, and large scale turbulent particle-gas simulations) and sophisticated experiments (microfluidics, and nano-engineering of catalyst layers) to uncover fundamental phenomena and to demonstrate their potential impact on applications in microreactors, hypersonic transport and energy conversion systems.

Research Interests

Flows past flexible surfaces
Statistical mechanics of granular flows
Turbulent gas-particle suspensions
Multiscale modeling of liquid crystalline phases
Engineering nanoscale architectures for fuel cells
Dynamics of rarefied gas flows

Awards & Honors

  • Infosys Prize (2016)
  • Fellow, American Physical Society (2015)
  • TWAS Prize for Engineering Sciences (2015)
  • APS-IUSSTF Chair Professor (2014)
  • Prof. Rustum Choksi award for excellence in research for engineering (2012)
  • JC Bose National Fellowship (2007)
  • Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (2006)
  • Swarnajayanti Fellowship, Government of India (2002)
  • Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (2001)
  • Bhatnagar Award, Government of India (2000)
  • Amar Dye-Chem Award, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (1999)
  • Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences (1998)
  • Indian National Academy of Engineering Young Engineer Award (1997)
  • Indian National Science Academy Young Scientist Medal (1996)
Group webpage

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