Research Themes

The research domains within our Chemical Engineering department encompass traditional disciplines as well as a broad range of interdisciplinary fields tackling contemporary and complex challenges.

Our research areas include not only the classical topics in Chemical Engineering but also, diverse multidisciplinary areas where most recent and challenging problems are being addressed. Many unsolved problems in various disciplines require substantial knowledge of chemical engineering. Combined with our rigourous course work students are motivated to learn many new topics and thereby enhanced their problem solving skills from a scientific and engineering perspective.

Biomolecular Engineering

Biomolecular Engineering

Engineering of biological processes from the molecular to the organismal scale is central to addressing key problems in medicine and healthcare as well as energy and environmental sustainability. Our department employs a unique blend of theory, simulations, and experimental techniques for biomolecular engineering.

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Catalysis and Reaction Kinetics

Catalysis and Reaction Kinetics

Drawing on expertise in catalytic chemistry, reaction mechanisms, reaction kinetics, and transport processes, researchers in the department aim to enhance a variety of reactions, ranging from polymer degradation to biomass conversion in reactors.

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Complex Fluids and Transport Processes

Complex Fluids and Transport Processes

Despite their ubiquity, understanding of the flow and deformation of complex materials is far from satisfactory, as their mechanics and statistics at the microscale are complex and not well understood.

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The interdisciplinary field of nanotechnology in the department spans from simulations and molecular dynamics to the engineering of nanomaterials, focusing on applications like semiconductor electronics, energy solutions, and biological diagnostics, emphasizing high-throughput synthesis and self-assembly of nanoscale architectures.

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Energy Science and Environment Research

Energy Science and Environment Research

The standard of living across the nations is strongly correlated with per capita energy production. Given the limited and finite nature of fossil fuels and the problems associated with the traditional renewable resource such as hydel power, it is imperative to develop technologies to harness and store energy from renewable sources such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy,

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Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Molecular Simulations

Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Molecular Simulations

We study a wide variety of phenomenon using classical molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations and statistical thermodyamics, which require a knowledge of the forces between the various molecules. This approach provides a molecular understanding of adsorption and separations processes, catalysis, energy storage for transportation, novel drug synthesis protocols, nanoparticle engineering, biomembrane function and transport in complex fluids.

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Colloids and Interface Science

Colloids and Interface Science

A reduction in the length scale of reactors and attempts to create microstructured systems with novel and desired properties have brought in the interplay of colloidal and interfacial interactions to prominence over a broad range of length scales.

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