
The Department of Chemical Engineering is located in the heart of the IISc campus. Originally constructed in the 1960s, the building has been significantly renovated in recent times. Spanning about 15000 square feet of experimental laboratory space and 5000 square feet of office space, class room and conference rooms, the department houses twelve experimental and computational laboratories. Two cleanrooms (400 square feet, Class 10000; 225 square feet, Class 100000) are available in the department for nanomaterial synthesis/analysis and single molecule imaging. With several experimental groups sharing the resources in the department, the experimental facilities have grown and evolved over the years and the department now houses advanced spectroscopy, chromatography, imaging and material property measurement instruments from a variety of sources. It also houses a large collection of chemical and biochemical reactors, which are regularly used for experimental investigations. Below is a partial list of the available equipment with the department.



  • Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GBC Scientific)
  • FTIR with reflectance transmission (Perkin Elmer)
  • FTIR with Evaporative Light Scattering (ELSD) Detectors (Perkin Elmer)
  • Gas Chromatograph with mass spectrometer (Varian)


  • Fermentor (Sartorius)
  • High Pressure Reactor (AmAr)
  • Ultrasound (Vibronics)
  • Microwave (Essentia)


  • Gas Chromatograph (Nucon)
  • HPLC (Waters)
  • Liquid Chromatograph with mass spectrometer (Waters)
  • Gas Chromatograph with FID and TCD (AIMIL)
  • Supercritical fluid chromatograph (Jasco)


  • High speed video imaging system (Speedcam)
  • Confocal laser microscope (Olympus)
  • Atomic Force Microscope (Asylum Research)
  • Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (Carl Zeiss)

Size Measurement

  • Dynamic light scattering device (Brookhaven)


  • Direct Write Pattern Lithograph (Heidelberg Instruments)
  • e-Beam Evaporator (Oerlikon Leybold)
  • Reactive Ion Etching (Milman Thin Film Systems)
  • Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (Milman Thin Film Systems)

Property Measurement

  • Densitometer (Anton Parr)
  • Differential Thermal Analyzer /Thermogravimetric Analyzer / Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Perkin Elmer)
  • Rheometer (TA Instruments)
  • Rheometer with microscope (Anton Parr)
  • Tensiometer (Data Physics, Sigma 7)
  • Surface Area Analyser (Smart instruments)
  • Minimax Polymer Evaluation Unit (Custom Scientific Instruments)
  • Testing of Polymers (Custom Scientific Instruments)
  • Stopped flow reactor (Biologic)
  • Dual Channel Fuel Cell Testing Station (Fuel Cell Technologies)
  • Universal testing machine (Instron)



Apart from the institute’s main library, our departmental library contains over two thousand books spanning a wide range of topics to supplement the needs of chemical engineers. Apart from this the library also houses PhD and MSc (Engg) dissertations and ME reports from the department.

The departmental library’s online catalogue is accessible to anyone with a Chemeng email account via the shell prompt. Prof. Sanjeev Kumar oversees the library as the Faculty in-charge. Detailed below is the classification system employed by the library of the respective categories of literature.


  • 1.10 General, physical and electrochemistry
  • 1.20 Catalysis, adsorption, surface chemistry and colloids
  • 1.30 Analytical, laboratory practice and techniques
  • 1.40 Inorganic chemistry
  • 1.50 Organic chemistry
  • 1.60 Biological and physiological chemistry
  • 1.70 Medical pharmaceutical chemistry
  • 1.80 Thermodynamics and kinetics
  • 1.90 Other branches

Chemical Engineering

  • 2.10 Chemical Engineering general -1
  • 2.20 Chemical plant design
  • 2.30 Chemical Engineering economics
  • 2.40 Refrigeration
  • 2.50 Heat Transfer
  • 2.60 Materials corrosion
  • 2.70 Fluid dynamics
  • 2.80 Nuclear chemical engineering
  • 2.90 Biochemical engineering
  • 3.10 Solid, fuel, coal, coke, lignite, peat, etc.
  • 3.20 Liquid fuels and petroleum technology
  • 3.30 Gaseous fuels and gases
  • 3.40 Lubricants and lubrication
  • 3.50 Combustion and furnaces
  • 3.60 Fuels, standards, tests etc.
  • 3.70 Air pollution, water pollution etc.

Organic Heavy Chemicals

  • 4.10 General unit processes
  • 4.20 Alcohol, alcohol products etc.
  • 4.30 Petro chemicals
  • 4.40 Coal chemicals
  • 4.50 Solvents, general chlorine chemicals
  • 4.60 Petroleum technology
  • Textiles, raw materials, fiber, yarn, fabric etc.

Other Chemical Industries

  • 7.10 Acids, alkalis, other heavy chemicals, non-metallic elements, etc.
  • 7.20 Fertilizers, soil, agricultural poisons, etc.
  • 7.30 Glass, ceramics, refractoriness, clays, etc.
  • 7.40 Cement, building materials, insulation etc.
  • 7.50 metallurgy, metals, etc.
  • 7.60 Paints, pigments, varnishes, lacquers, ink.
  • 7.70 Oils, fats, waxes, candles, soaps, glycerin, etc.
  • 7.80 Essential oils, cosmetics, perfumes, etc.
  • 7.90 Photographic Materials and processes
  • 8.10 Explosives, matches, detectors, explosives, etc.
  • 8.20 Plastics, resins, chemicals of war, war-like operations monomers and polymers
  • 8.30 Leather, gelatin, adhesives, etc.
  • 8.40 Glucose, cellulose compounds, pulp, paper, etc.
  • 8.45 Wood products
    8.50 Sugar, sugar chemicals, gums, starch products, etc.
  • 8.60 Fermentation industries, beverages, etc.
  • 8.70 Foods, dairy products, etc.
  • 8.80 Water, sewerage, sanitation, etc.

Allied Sciences

  • 9.10 Mathematics
  • 9.20 Physics
  • 9.21 Atomics
  • 9.30 Mechanical and structural engineering drawing
  • 9.40 Electrical engineering
  • 9.41 Instrumentation, computers, communication engineering etc.
  • 9.50 Architecture, surveying civil engineering, etc.
  • 9.60 Steam raising, internal combustion engineering, power plants, etc.
  • 9.70 Geology, zoology, botany, other subjects etc.
  • 9.80 Industrial administration, economics, statistics and legal
  • 9.90 Languages
  • 10.00 General and miscellaneous
  • 10.10 General Physics
  • 10.20 Nano chemistry
  • 10.30 Fuel cells


  • 0.10 Periodicals
  • 0.20 Patents
  • 0.30 Standards
  • 0.40 Societies “Reports, Table of constants, specifications”
  • 0.50 Dictionaries/Encyclopedia

Miscellaneous Items

  • 0.60 Outlines and manuals
  • 0.70 BIOS, CIOS, and other industrial reports
  • 0.80 Other Forms
  • 0.90 Trade literature, Miscellaneous, Catalogue
  • 0.91 Products
  • 0.92 Materials of construction
  • 0.93 Equipment
  • 0.94 Services
  • 0.95 Instruments


Computing / Workshop


Apart from computer servers in every research lab for computational analysis and modeling, department also houses a dedicated computer room for all students for computing with a printing facility. Most of the commonly used software licenses are available from SERC. The department also houses multiple clusters managed by various groups.

IISc (Fuiitsu)

Sanjeev/Sudeep Lab

216 processors

(2.6 Hz)


Krishna (Tyan)

Sudeep/Nott Lab

96 processors 

(2.66 Hz)


SC (Tyronne)

Sudeep/Nott Lab

124 processors

(2.4 Hz)


SC (Tyronne)

Sudeep/Nott Lab

124 processors

(2.4 Hz)


Workshop Facility

The Department of Chemical Engineering also has an exclusive workshop facility for machining, cutting, welding and carpentry. Dedicated machinist and carpentry personnel maintain the workshop facilities, provide support and train students on the various machines.


DCC Corner



Safety @ ChemE

Established in 1947, the Chemical Engineering department at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is one of the country’s leading ChemE department for advanced education and research in sciences and engineering. Safety is a core value, integrated into our pursuit of academic excellence. The administration is committed to making ChemE@IISc the safest academic department in the world, with every individual taking personal responsibility for maintaining exemplary safety standards.


Wellness Committee

Ananth Govind Rajan

Ananth Govind Rajan

Designation: Assistant Professor

Banani Chakraborty

Banani Chakraborty

Designation: Visiting Faculty