Aadhil Basith A

Research Topic: Predicting the structures of in silico microbial communities

Advisor: Narendra M Dixit

Research Details:

I am currently working on predicting the structures of in silico microbial communities using Effective Pairwise Interactions (EPICS). EPICS creates an effective interaction map based on the steady-state abundances of species in monocultures and leave-one-out subcommunities, along with mathematical modeling. These effective pairwise interactions represent the net interactions between microbial species pairs and encompass higher-order interactions. However, the current EPICS framework does not account for cases where species have zero abundance in leave-one-out subcommunities. My goal is to modify the existing EPICS approach to address this limitation, making it applicable to a wider range of scenarios. Additionally, I am exploring resource partitioning and stability analysis in multi-species microbial communities.

Reference for the image: Ansari AF, Reddy YBS, Raut J, Dixit NM. An efficient and scalable top-down method for predicting structures of microbial communitiesNature Computational Science (2021)
