Chemical Engineering Association(CEA)

Executive Committee (2023)

President -- Asst. Prof. Ananth Govind Rajan
Vice President --    Diksha Kadre (PhD)
General Secretary -- Karan Saxena (PhD)
Treasurer -- Ankit Mishra
Publications Secretary -- Amar Krishna Gopinath (PhD)
Media Secretary -- Shivam Chaturvedi (PhD)
Members -- Ramya Boddepalli, Anusha Tripathi, Nishant Mohan Bahuguna, Madhavan Nampoothiri D K.

Executive Committee (2022)

President -- Asst. Prof. Ananth Govind Rajan
Vice President --    Shaswat Srivastava (PhD)
Secretary -- Mehul Kumar (PhD)
Treasurer -- Ashish Khedar (PhD)
Public Secretary -- Isha Misra (PhD)
Media Secretary -- Diksha Kadre (PhD)
Members -- Chaitanya Jitendra Shah, Sanyogita, Ankit Kumar Verma, Sruthi S G Nath

Executive Committee (2021)

President -- Asst. Prof. Bhushan Toley
Vice President --    Ashwin Nair (PhD)
Secretary -- Shreya Chowdhury (PhD)
Treasurer -- Shaswat Srivastava (PhD)
Members -- Samlesh Choudhury, Aditya Upasani, Rupesh Pawar, Adarsh Ajith, Arunachalam, Armaan Rais

Executive Committee (2019)

President -- Asst. Prof. Bhushan Toley
Vice President --    Pradyumn Sharma (PhD)
Secretary -- Anant Verma (PhD)
Members -- Aashish Thakur, Prachi, Ravi, Priyanka Agarwal, Shreyash, Nikita

Executive Committee (2018)

President -- Asst. Prof. Bhushan Toley
Vice President --    Peter Varun Dsouza (PhD)
Secretary -- Ananya Saha M.Tech (Res)
Treasurer -- Ashwin Nair (PhD)
Members -- CH Anil , Shruti S , Aamir FA, Samlesh C

Executive Committee (2017)

President -- Asst. Prof. Bhushan Toley
Vice President --    Sushant Kumar (PhD)
Secretary -- Tabish Khan M.Tech (Res)
Joint Secretary -- Bhanupriya B (PhD)
Treasurer -- Sita Kalyani (PhD)
Members -- Mani Ratna, P. Sharma, Aditya Kumar

Executive Committee (2016)

President -- Asso. Prof. Sudeep N. Punnathanam
Vice President --    Phanibhargava (PhD)
Secretary -- Rimzhim Gupta(PhD)
Joint Secretary -- Mani Sravani (ME)
Treasurer -- Phanikanth (PhD)
Members -- Priyanka, Satyagosh, Arjun

Executive Committee (2015)

President -- Asst. Prof. Rahul Roy
Vice President --    Satyapaul (PhD)
Secretary -- Peter Varun Dsouza (PhD)
Joint Secretary -- Neha Lamba (PhD)
Treasurer -- Kaushal Verma (MSc)
Members -- Swathi G, Aritra S (ME)

Executive Committee (2014)

President -- Asst. Prof. Rahul Roy
Vice President --    Ankit Tyagi (PhD)
Secretary -- Jatin Panwar (PhD)
Joint Secretary -- Siraj (ME)
Treasurer -- Rubesh (ME)
Members -- Phanibhargava, Rajasekhar, Mahendra

Executive Committee (2013)

President -- Asst. Prof. Rahul Roy
Secretary -- Vipul Gupta (PhD)
Treasurer -- Udayshankar K (M.Sc. Engg.)

Executive Committee (2012)

President -- Asst. Prof. Sudeep P
Vice President -- Ayush Agrawal (PhD)
Secretary -- Srikanth Ravipati (PhD)
Joint Secretary -- Hari Ganesh (MSc. Engg)
Treasurer -- Tonnishtha D (MSc. Engg)
Members -- S. Sharmila, Niket Sharma,Rakesh Gupta

Executive Committee (2011)

President -- Asst. Prof. Sudeep P
Vice President -- Shiva Naresh M (PhD)
Secretary -- Jaju Someshwar Jagadish (PhD)
Joint Secretary -- Srinivasa Sandeep S (PhD)
Treasurer -- Pranesh Padmanabhan (PhD)

Executive Committee (2010)

President -- Asst. Prof. Sudeep P
Vice President -- Ipshita Banerjee (PhD)
Secretary -- Mohan Verma (PhD)
Joint Secretary -- Chalil Simna Manoharan (PhD)
Treasurer -- Parag Arvind Despande (PhD)

Executive Committee (2009)

President -- Prof. Narendra M Dixit
Vice President -- Sharad Sontakke (PhD)
Secretary -- Kushal Tripathi (ME)
Joint Secretary -- Balakrishna (ME)
Treasurer -- Lalitha Kanwar (MSc)

Executive Committee (2008)

President -- Prof. Narendra M Dixit
Vice President -- Shanker Kalidas (PhD)
Secretary -- Madhusudan N Hulgi (ME)
Joint Secretary -- Rajesh Balgam (ME)
Treasurer -- Surya Sundara Raman (ME)

Executive Committee (2007)

President -- Dr. S Venugopal
Vice President -- Foram Thakkar (PhD)
Secretary -- Shreyas (MSc)
Joint Secretary -- Prithwiraj M (ME)
Treasurer -- Garima Chaudhary (MSc)

Executive Committee (2006)

President -- Dr. S Venugopal
Vice President -- Anki Reddy (PhD)
Secretary -- Srikalyan (ME)
Joint Secretary -- Alok Kumar (ME)
Treasurer -- S.P lakshmanan (ME)

Executive Committee (2005)

President -- Prof. Sanjeev Kumar G
Vice President -- Jayant Chakraborty (PhD)
Secretary -- Ankit Fajalia (PhD)
Joint Secretary -- Saurabh Kaujalgikar (MSc)
Treasurer -- Subbarao K

CEA Activities          Magazine

1  Statement of Incorporation

Chemical Engineering Association (CEA) is a non-profit, democratic, and self-governing body comprising of individuals who currently belong to or have belonged to in the past to the Department of Chemical Engineering at IISc, Bangalore, India. CEA is constituted to play various roles to supplement the overall development of its individual members. Some of the identified roles are:

  1. Promote professional growth of its members by organizing formal talks, short courses, series of lectures on a theme of interest, and informal talks by members to help them develop a well rounded personality.
  2. Encourage informal interaction amongst all its members so as to make a vibrant community of chemengiscians.
  3. Provide a forum to discuss wider issues of interest to the engineering profession.


The current students, faculty and scientific staff, alumni, project staff, and research associates of the Department are members of the CEA. They are required to pay annual subscription. The members with their individual consent can become a Life Member of the CEA at the time of leaving the department.

Executive Committee

The CEA will be managed by an `Executive Committee' (EC) of office bearers, elected in the annual General Body Meeting (GBM). The EC will comprise of a secretary, joint secretary, treasurer, vice-president, and a president (a faculty member). An additional joint secretary can be co-opted if required. EC, under the leadership of its secretary and the guidance of its president will be collectively responsible for all the activities of the CEA. Within the framework of collective responsibility, a suggested division of responsibility of each office bearer is as stated below.

Secretary is point man for all the activities of the CEA. The secretary will take steps to execute all the mandatory activities and as many desirable and optional activities as possible, as listed in the CEA charter. To the extent possible, these activities should be organised by involving as many members as possible so as to promote the participation and interest of members in the affairs of the CEA.

Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the accounts of the CEA. Within the first ten days after the new EC is elected, the treasurer should (i) get CEA bank accounts transferred to his/her name as per the rules, and (ii) collect all the CEA documents from the previous EC in the presence of the new President. The annual subscription should be collected from the old members within one month after the new EC takes over. The same should be collected from the new members (who join the department in August) by October.

Joint-Secretary aids the Secretary in all her/his work and in her/his absence take over the day-to-day functions. Joint Secretary is also responsible for arranging regular meetings of EC, and the filing of its proceedings.

President acts as adviser to the EC and presides over all its meetings.

Vice-President compliments the roles of President and Secretary, and substitutes for President if a need arises. He/she coordinates with the treasurer and plays an active role in increasing the income/membership of CEA. The VP will ensure that the Alumni Database, the Compendium of Activities, and the Folder of Records of CEA are maintained and updated property.

3.1 Election of EC

The election of EC will be held in the General Body Meeting which is scheduled to be held on the second Saturday in the month of March every year. The election norms for EC are: the President and the Vice-President are elected for a period of two years in alternating years to provide continuity to the functioning of CEA-EC. All the other office bearers are elected for a period of one year. Nominations are called for each post by a senior member of CEA. Each nomination must be seconded by one more member. Elections are held by secret ballot, if more than one valid nomination is received for any post.

3.2 Regular Meetings of EC

The EC will meet once every two months on the first Saturday of the odd numbered months to review the progress made in the previous months and to plan activities for the coming days. The meeting will be presided over by the president/Vice President, and should be attended by all the EC members. Only one member at the most can be absent from these meetings. Announcements for these meeting will be made by the Joint Secretary at least one week in advance. The summaries of these meetings will be filed by the Joint Secretary in Folder of Records of CEA which will be available to any CEA member for perusal.

4  General Body Meeting

The General Body Meeting (GBM) takes place on the second Friday in the month of March. In this GBM, presided over by the CEA President, the minutes of the previous meeting are confirmed as the first item. The secretary of the outgoing committee then presents a report on the activities of the CEA for the previous year. The consolidated report is also filed in Folder of Records of CEA. Accounts are presented next. Once they are approved by the GBM, the treasurer files them in the Accounts Register. Comments and suggestions from the members are invited next and discussed freely. All these are recorded in the minutes of the GBM, which are also filed in the Folder of Records of CEA. The next EC is then elected. The new secretary addresses the members, outlining his/her vision for the next year. The meeting is finally adjourned. Any GBM or Extra-ordinary GBM to seek the approval of major policy shifts from what is spelt out in The Charter may be called by the Executive Committee by issuing a notice at least 10 15 days before the event, and then by sending a reminder on the day before the event.

5  Mandatory Activities of CEA

5.1 Documentation

CEA will maintain a website, which will display its charter, and the announcements of the activities planned. A Compendium of Activities in the form of a register will be maintained. It will have a list of all the activities undertaken by CEA, including a detailed account of CEA Nite. A Folder of Records of CEA will be maintained, which will contain minutes of all the EC meetings, General Body Meetings, one copy of the Newsletters brought out, etc. Alumni/Member Register containing the updated lists of life members and regular members with their permanent addresses, contact numbers, and e-mail addresses will be maintained. An Accounts Register will be maintained to which the accounts approved by GBM will be copied by the treasurer. These four documents along with the passbooks and bank papers will be handed over to the new EC within ten days of its election, in the presence of its president.

5.2 Invited Seminars

The CEA will arrange for invited talks on topics of both kinds--directly related and not directly related to chemical engineering. At least eight invited lectures will be arranged every year, at least three of these will be technical and two non-technical in nature. The word technical here implies talks related to science and technology. The non-technical topics could be: alternatives (emerging and visionary) to the current practices in any field, society related (political, cultural, lifestyle, development, etc.), economics (business, market, trade, etc.), and health related. Talks with an interval of roughly one every six weeks is not difficult to arrange. The office bearers may appoint a committee of interested students to take care of this.

5.3 CEA Nite

This is regarded as one important showcase event for the CEA. It also brings members together. It is mandatory to send invitations to all the members and Life Members, whether in Bangalore or outside, well in time. Efforts to make CEA Nite entertaining lie entirely in the hands of the EC. Each committee must include in their report a list of the main program. The date for the CEA Nite is fixed as the last Saturday in the month of June every year.

5.4 Fresher.s Welcome

The CEA has to organise a welcome party for the fresh students each year. The dates for the party depend on the day the department Chairman arranges a formal welcome meeting with the new students. The welcome by the CEA usually follows this.

5.5 Newsletter

Newsletter from the CEA to all its members has to be published twice a year. The first issue must come out within three months after the new EC takes over. The second should come out exactly eight months later, one month before laying down the office. The News letter must be published on time with whatever news is available since the last publication. Newsletter will be primarily circulated by E-mail and for all those Life Members who do not have an access to the Internet, a hard copy should be sent. The Newsletters should also be put up and archived on the CEA web site.

5.6 Picnic

At least one picnic for the members should be arranged by the committee for a year. The dates are to be chosen well in advance and announcement is sent to all the members in Bangalore who can join us.

5.7 Sports Activity

Friendly cricket/football/volleyball matches among the members (preferably involving faculty and alumni as well) will be arranged. One match can be held closer to the CEA Nite day, perhaps a week before.
Congratulations to Chemical Engg. Team for winning IDC Cricket - 2014

6  Recommended Activities

6.1 Workshops/Short term courses/Visits

The CEA can arrange short term courses and workshops for the benefit of the current student community. These can be conducted by those students who have learnt enough about a special topic and would like to share the fruits of their learning with others. Most students for M.E are fresh and exposure to the chemical industry should help them a lot. M.Sc (Eng.) and Ph.D can also benefit by this. CEA can take initiative to organise visits to industry/research labs in and around Bangalore.

6.2 Career Development Skills

Some optional but desirable activities could be: aid in the placement of the students by organizing mock interviews, group discussions, and seminars on improving writing and presentation skills. Printing of department T-shirts, jackets, caps, can be also be undertaken. A premium could be charged on the sale of these items to build CEA fund. CEA can also promote sports related activities in and around the department outside office hours to help student members maintain a healthy balance in day to day life

News Magazine
News Magazine -2014 News Magazine -2012
News Magazine -2011 News Magazine -2010 News Magazine -2009
News Magazine -2007 News Magazine -2006 News Magazine -2005


Placement (2019-2021)
Name $ Company/Institution
Anshul Singhal ME (KGA) RA, IISc
Khomveer Singh ME
Debarchan Basu ME
Harshbir Singh ME
Mohet Mittal ME
Ravindra Khoja ME Exxon Mobil
Subrat Kumar ME RA, IISc
Surya Narayanan ME PhD, Florida
Ugesh Vayugundla ME
Placement (2018-2020)
Name $ Company/Institution
Amit Kumar Patel ME (SP) Biju's
Saurabh Singha ME (SKG) Tata advanced systems
Placement (2017-2019)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Aashish Thakur ME (SKG) PhD IISc
Aashil Basith ME (VK) JNC, Bangalore
Aamir Faisal Ansari ME (NMD) RA, IISc
Shivam Gupta ME Vedantu, Bangalore
Sagar Bathla ME (NMD) PhD, Univ of Alberta

Placement (2016-2018)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Agarwal Khantesh ME (SV) PhD, IISc
Mithlesh Meena ME (BT) Society of Chemical Engineers, IIT - BHU Varanasi
Poornima Ramamohan ME (VK) KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Kaustubh R B ME (VK) TRDCC, Pune
Surbhi Kumari ME TRDCC, Pune
Utkarsha Avinash ME Applied Materials, Chennai
Utkarsh Prateek B Sinha ME (SKG) TRDCC, Pune

Placement (2015-2017)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Arjun Gopal ME (NMD) RA, IISc
Aswin Vinod ME (SP) TRDCC
Debnath Banjan ME (KKR) PhD, Chemcial Engg., IISc
Mani Sravani ME (VK) TRDCC, Pune
Naveen Kumar ISRO Exide Battery, Kolkata
Sai Kumar ME (KGA)
Souvik Karmakar
Suhas Mukherjee ME (MG) ISRO, Trivendrum
Suraj Jagtap PhD, Chemeng, IISc
Placement (2014-2016)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Anukrati Goel ME (SKG) TRDDC, Pune
Aritra Santra ME (VK) Tata Steel
Swathi Gugulothu ME (MG) NITK (Suratkal)
Yogesh Kailas Badhe ME (PRN) TRDDC, Pune
Sagar Srinivas PhD (VK) RA, IISc
Jaju S Jagdish PhD (VK) JNCASR, Bangalore
Naga Samrat MVV PhD (KKR) PA, IISc
Ayush Agarwal PhD (KGA) IISc
Srinivasa Sandeep PhD (PRN) IISc
Placement (2013-2015)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Arjun Kumar ME (JMM) TRDDC, Pune
Balaaji M ME (VK) Preparing for Civil Exam
Banothu Kumar ME (MG) CICO, New Delhi
Gayathri Niveditha K ME (MG) Univ. of Massachusetts
Jitendra Kumar Gupta ME (JRM) Inspire Educational Academy Gadchiroli
Mohammed Sirajuddin ME (KGA)
Roshna N ME (PRN/KKR) RCCSSTP, Bangalore
Satyaghosh Maurya ME (RR) PhD, Chemical Engg., IISc
Sayani ME (NMD) PhD,Univ. of Illinois
Srinivas D Y ME (SKG) Andriz, Bangalore
Udayshanker MSc (Engg) (PRN) PhD, Cornell Univ.
Tarun Sharma MSc (Engg) (MG) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Mahendra N Nandanwar PhD (SKG) Amrutha Univ. Coimbatore
Rajat Desikan PhD (KGA) Post Doc, Chemical Engg., IISc
Srikanth Ravipati PhD (SP) Imperial UK (Post doc)
Chalil Simna Manoharan PhD (JMM)


Placement (2012-2014)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Ankit PK ME (SKG) Bank Bazaar, Bangalore
Arun G ME (SP) PhD, Aborad
Ashutosh Kumar ME (RR)
John Antony ME (KGA) Kerala
Kapil Neywar ME (NMD) CTS
Manish Singh ME (MG)
Nirmal Kumar ME (JMM) TVS Motors, Bangalore
Rahul Shukla ME (MG) RGUKT, Kadapa
Ramachandra Rao ME (SKG) ISRO, Trivendrum
Ravi Gautam ME (PRN) SABIC, Bangalore
Balaram Sridhar ME (SP) TRDDC, Pune
Sukesh Tumram ME (KKR) PhD, IIT Mumbai

Placement (2011-2013)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Aditya Pareek ME (NMD) TRDDC, Pune
Amarnath Kosgi ME (PRN) DRDO, Bangalore
Angalakurthy Ashokbabu ME (SP)
Avanish Bharati ME (MG) Kuleuven, Belgium
Debtanu Maiti ME (SKG) University of South Florida
Lekkala Ramesh ME (PRN)
MD Aslam Ansari ME (JMM) PhD, IISc, Chemical Engg
Neelesh Singhal ME (KKR) SABIC, Bangalore
Niket Sharma ME (SKG) SABIC, Bangalore
Praphul Kumar ME (JRM)
Rakesh Gupta ME (SP) TRDDC, Pune
Shravan Kumar P ME (SV) DRDO, Pune
Saket Kumar ME (JMM)
Sumpi Lorence ME (KKR)
Uttiya Sengupta ME (MG) Shell
Sivarama K Perala PhD (SKG) MIT, Cambridge, USA
M Girish PhD (SV) HLRC, Bangalore
Mohan Verma K S PhD (VK) Harward Medical School, USA
Siva Mohan Reddy N PhD (MG) Post Doc, Canada
Sheeja Krishnan PhD (NMD) Univ. of Leeds
Ipshita Banerjee (2012) PhD (SV&VK) Shabic, Bangalore

Placement (2010-2012)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Shanker Kalidas PhD (SV) Cavinkare Chennai
Sharad M Sontakke PhD (JMM) UDCT, Mumbai
Neelesh B. Shukla (2012) PhD (MG) Aditya Birla, Mumbai
Anand Prakash ME (SV) Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Hyderabad
Mohanraj D ME (SKG ) Andritz, Bangalore
Neelesh Shukla PhD (MG) Aditya Birla R&D Mumbai
Rajasekaran M ME (JMM ) Comsol, Bangalore
Rajesh Kumar B ME (MG ) 3M India
Srinivasa Rao G MSc (SP ) HPCL R&D, Bangalore
Sathyapaul Singh ME (MG ) RGUKT, Hyderabad
Sagar B ME (VK ) PhD, Chemeng, IISc
Sharad Sontakke PhD (JMM) Faculty at UDCT
Usama Ahmed A ME (VK) TVS Motors, Bangalore
Srinivasarao MSc (SP) HPCL, Bangalore
Vaidyanathan MSc (KGA) Austin Texas

Placement (2009-2011)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Amar Deep Pathak ME (KGA) T.V.S Motors, Bangalore
Darshan B.V ME (NMD) ProtoTech Solutions, Pune
Ganesh Madabattula ME (SKG) RGIT, Hyderabad
Hima Bindu D ME (NMD) Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Hyderabad
Kamala Jyostsana Gutam ME (PRN) Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Hyderabad
Srikanth D ME (SVG) GM, Bangalore
Shantanu Maheswari ME (VK) TRDDC, Pune
Surya Narayana Murthy ME (VK) Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Hyderabad
Tushar Rameshwar Parate ME (SKG) T.V.S Motors, Bangalore
Javid Ahmad Naik ME (JMM) DRDO, pune
Satis Kumar P. S ME (MG) ISRO, Trivendrum
Shitalben Dajibhai ME (MG) IITB, Mumbai (PhD)
Ravi Sankannavar ME (KKR) PhD, IITB, Mumbai
Shivanand ME (SP) PhD, IISc
Vinay S. Kandagil MSc (SP) CSTEP, Bangalore

Placement (2008-2010)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Abhinandan Chiney ME (SKG) TRDDC, Pune
Balakrishnan ME (KKR) TVS Motors &
Univ. of Houston for PhD
Boddu Venkatesh ME (PRN) RGUKT, AP
Deepali Patro ME (SKG) Dr. Reddy's, Hyderabad
Hrushikesh P ME (SP) GM, Bangalore
CH Jyotsna ME (VK) PA, IISc
Kushal Tripathi ME (NMD) COMSOL, Bangalore
Parveen ME (SV) Biocon, Bangalore
Rajasekhar CH ME (MG) Invensys, Hyderabad
Sasikiran ME (MG) TRDDC Pune & PhD, TAMU, US
Shibin Mathew ME (NMD) PhD, Pittsburg
Vijay K ME (KGA) DRDO, Pune
Lalita Kanwar MSc (KKR) Dr. Reddy's Hyderabad
Kalyan Patil PhD (KGA) BITS Pilani, Pilani
Vishwajeet PhD (PRN) Postdoc, Univ. of Strasbourg, France
Vinu R PhD (MG) Dr. Reddy's, Hyderabad & Postdoc, Univ. of Northwestern

Placement (2007-2009)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Alok Dwivedi ME Honeywell, Bangalore
Madhusudan N Hulgi ME TVS Motors, Bangalore
Mohana Rao D ME BHEL, Hyderabad
Preeta Datta ME GE, NCSU (PhD)
Rajesh Balgam ME Tata Steel, Jamshedpur
Rama Subba Reddy T ME TRDDC, Pune
Sai Krishna G S ME Smartanalyst
Shivendra S Chauhan ME BHEL, Haridwar
Surya S Raman ME Yahoo India
Vinod Kumar K ME TVS Motors
Foram Thakkar PhD Tata Steel, Jamshedpur
Parthasarthy G PhD CMAX CSIR Lab & Honey well
Anki Reddy PhD USTI, Polytech, Marseille (PDF)
Ateeque AAG Malani PhD Univ. of Massachusetts (PDF)
Mahesh Varma PhD NIT Nagpur (Faculty)
Jayanta Chakraborty PhD Purdue, (PDF)
C. Venkata Ramana Reddy PhD Ian Wark Research Inst. Australia (PDF)

Placement (2005)
Name Degree Company/Institution
Ankit Sukla ME Fluent, Oswal
Bhanu Prakash Rao ME Prochem solutions, Pune
Chottoo Chowdhary ME GE , Bangalore
Dhilip Kumar R ME Prochem solutions,Pune
Mahesh Mynam ME IBM, Bangalore
Naga Vamsi Vijay Nerella ME ATUL, Gujarat
Ravikiran Kandikatla ME L & T, Mumbai
Sachin M Salam ME Honeywell, Pune
Sivaramakrishna Perala ME IBM, Bangalore
Surya Prakash Rao ME TVS Motor, Bangalore
Subbrao Kommuri ME Honeywell, Pune
Tamaghna Chakraborti ME Prochem solutions, Pune
Vishal S Suryawamshi ME PhD
Vishal S Waghmare ME Honeywell, Pune
Jaysree MSc IGKAR, Kalpakkam
Saurabh K MSc ATUL, Gujarat
Vivek Rathore MSc BPCL, Delhi
Senthil Kumar PhD General Motors, Bangalore